Harvard Club Goes to Beer School!
Ever wonder how mere barley, hops and water can be transformed into a wide variety of unique and notable beers? We’ll find out at the Great Lakes Brewing Company's Beer School on Thursday, March 9 at 6 pm. This two-hour course will include a tour of the production brewery, the history of GLBC, a detailed description of the brewing process, and a tasting of an assortment of GLBC beers--with light snacks, descriptions, and recommended food pairings. Contact Wyatt (wsn@case.edu) with any questions.
This event is strictly limited to NO MORE THAN 30 ATTENDEES (Harvard Club members and their guests).
- Thursday, March 9 tour takes place at GLBC, 1951 West 26th Street, Suite 100, starting at 6pm sharp.
- Plan to arrive 10-15 min early. The event will end around 8pm.
- You must be over 21, and you must bring ID. (Yes, this means your underage kids/friends cannot attend.)
- Wear closed-toe shoes and be prepared to slide through narrow spaces and traverse multiple stairwells.
Cost is $25 per person.
Great Lakes Brewing Company
1951 West 26th Street, Suite 100
Cleveland, OH 44113
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