June 9, 2022 at the Cleveland Skating Club
Please join the Harvard Club of Northeast Ohio for the return of our annual Spring Dinner on Thursday, June 9 at the Cleveland Skating Club, 2500 Kemper Rd. Shaker Heights 44120.
Our speaker, Prof. Wyatt Newman, CWRU, (Harvard ‘78, M.I.T. ‘80, Columbia ‘82, M.I.T. ‘88), will present on his start-up company, RoadPrintz, Inc., (roadprintz.com). RoadPrintz recently received a $1M grant from the National Science Foundation to help bring robotics and precision localization to the road-painting industry. The presentation will include a demonstration of the RoadPrintz mobile robotic painting system.
Prices: $55 for the meal and $15 for talk only.
Drinks (Cash Bar) and Conversation 6 p.m.
Dinner 7 p.m.
Dessert and Talk Arrive at 7:45 p.m. Sharp.
Talk and Questions 8 p.m.
The Club President will sponsor dessert for up to ten newer graduates and their plus-ones. If interested, contact Jim Marino (jamesjmarino@yahoo.com).