The Harvard Club is headed to a new play by our own Peter Lawson Jones ’75, JD ’80. Playwrights Local presents The Phoenix Society at the

Creative Space at Waterloo Arts (397 E. 156th Street, Cleveland, OH 44110). After the 7:30 show on Saturday, May 21 there will be a talkback featuring the playwright as well as director Terrence Spivey. Please join us.

Harvard Club members can purchase tickets at the group rate of $15 dollars directly at the link below. Select the date of May 21, then select the option for "$15 - Seniors-Students-Groups,”

The Phoenix Society is a new drama written by local playwright, actor, and politician Peter Lawson Jones. Directed by Terrence Spivey, this starkly realistic work follows the journey of Will Coulter, a widower with a teenage daughter, as he comes home from the war in Afghanistan. Returning to his hometown of Cleveland, Will brings with him a debilitating case of PTSD and depression as well as a drug addiction, the severity of which he denies. Will fights to stay clean and to establish a healthy lifestyle. Eventually, he hears about a group called the “Phoenix Society,” whose members share his struggles and are available to help. Like Will, the men and women of this support circle continue to battle mental health and substance abuse challenges of their own. Can Will find his way to them, and can they in turn save him?

The Phoenix Society is presented by Playwrights Local in partnership with Life Exchange Center (LEC). LEC is a consumer-directed, certified peer support drop-in center with a mission to empower its members' recovery from mental health and chemical dependency disorders. LEC commissioned this original play, The Phoenix Society, to inspire hope to its members, their loved ones, and anyone who has begun rebirth in recovery. Find additional information on LEC at and connect with them on social media at