Spring Dinner
April 30, 2019, Cleveland Skating Club
Katherine Merseth Ed.D. '82
Please join the Harvard Club of Northeast Ohio on Tuesday, April 30 at the Cleveland Skating Club, at our Annual Spring Dinner. Harvard Professor Kay Merseth will give a presentation on “Changing the role of teachers and teaching to increase equity and excellence in schools”.
Professor Merseth will consider how we can improve the quality of teaching and what changes are necessary to reach all children, regardless of race, class, gender, immigration or special education status.
Katherine Merseth's work concentrates on charter schools, teacher education, mathematics education, and the case-method of instruction. Her books include Windows on Teaching Mathematics: Cases of Secondary Mathematics Classrooms, Cases in Educational Administration, and Inside Urban Charter Schools
At Harvard, she:
- founded the Harvard Children's Initiative and GSE’s School Leadership and the Teacher Education Programs.
- designed the new Harvard Teacher Fellows Program, offering Harvard College Seniors an innovative path to teach underserved students.
- was the principal investigator of the NSF funded Mathematics Case Development Project
Merseth teaches in the General Education Program and her course, the Dilemmas of Excellence and Equity in K-12 American Schools, is ranked as one the most popular courses in the College. In 2017 she was named as one of 15 outstanding Professors across Harvard University and in the spring of 2018, she was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Prize for Teaching.
Merseth grew up in Peninsula, Ohio.
To reserve, click links below:
• Dinner costs $48 for members
• Dessert, coffee and the talk cost $10 for all.
Drinks (Cash Bar) and Conversation 6 p.m.
Dinner 7 p.m.
Dessert and Talk Arrive at 7:45 p.m. Sharp.
Talk and Questions 8 p.m.